UPDATED 3/7 - Due to high demand I've decided to do a pre-order for these area rugs since they tend to take up a lot of space and require time to pack/ship. THIS PRE-ORDER PERIOD WILL START TODAY 3/7 AND END FRIDAY 3/14. After this pre-order, these area rugs will no longer be available for purchase. I don't have much space at the shop to keep regular inventory of these. So if you want one, place your orders now!! Once the pre-order closes, there is a production lead time of about 2-3 weeks and then orders will ship once they are completed!
I originally needed an area rug to finish the remodeling of the front office at the shop but couldn't find anything suitable. Traditional rug designs just didn't flow with the look of the room and the one I had temporarily in there was just moving around every time someone stepped or walked on it. The only proper fix for this problem was to just make my own. It seemed like a fun idea to create something one-off so I decided to make two different designs. For one, I'm indecisive and two, I can switch-up the look of the room every now and then. I was pretty stoked with how they came out and when I posted photos of my office, I had a lot of people asking me if they were available. I suppose I always wanted to make more unique interesting stuff for The Chronicles so why not make some home decor as well?
So here we go...
The ones in my office are quite massive so for the production run of these rugs/mats, I decided to make them slightly smaller. This makes them easier to fit in most offices, playrooms, living rooms, man caves, etc. Hell, put them in your garage even. They're crafted from 100% polyester and are soft, durable, and most importantly, easy to clean! So despite the fantastic artwork (lol) do not be afraid to actually step on them. They have a good thickness to them so you can even sit on them or lay on them if you want them in your home. The bottom has little rubber grips on them to prevent the mats from moving around when people walk on them.
*Overall dimensions are close to 4ft x 5ft (120cm x 160cm)
*The original rug in my office is a foot larger in length and width. The production model is smaller
*Cleaning is pretty simple; just use warm water and a vacuum. Carpet cleaner helps if it is heavily dirty. Otherwise you don't need much cleaning product if you want it to stay vibrant.
*Due to the ongoing USPS strike in Canada, all packages will be shipped via FedEx International Ground® until further notice
*International shipping available via USPS
*Unfortunately due to the recent changes brought on by Brexit, we are no longer able to make our products available to the United Kingdom. Sorry!!
The easiest way to package and ship them was to fold the mat and roll them up. Because the rug has a foam core inside to make them soft, they will be creased when you originally receive them. Mine came the same way. It takes about 1-2 weeks for the creases to go away, faster if you decided to add moisture and warm it up. DO NOT take a heat gun to it. You will burn the polyester and ink. I got most of my creases out after I ran a carpet cleaner/steamer over it. The best way to get rid of the creases is to add weight to it, or actually use it, so the foam core gets a chance to reset itself. It takes time so please be patient! Like most area rugs, carpets, or fabrics that have been folded, they take time to un-wrinkle!
Alternatively, you can also try reverse rolling the rug (rolling it in the opposite direction from how it arrived), laying it flat in the sun to heat the fibers, or using a hair dryer on a LOW heat setting to target specific wrinkles.